Safety Patrol
Service on the Patrol is voluntary, open to all fifth graders that are interested, and means a sacrifice of a few minutes each day in order to fulfill the duties as a member. (All duties are during the normal school day and should not affect the student’s ability to ride the bus or be picked up by parents.) Members are selected for their courtesy, dependability, interest in their job, physical fitness, attitude toward others, and scholastic standing.
The primary aims of the Safety Patrol are:
- To help protect children from accidents while at school.
- To help children to develop safety habits.
- To foster qualities of leadership and good citizenship in Patrol members.
The standards required of Safety Patrol members are:
- At least an “S” (Satisfactory) behavior grade in the classroom and an “S” grade in all other activities outside the class (music, P.E., computer, etc.).
- A passing grade in language arts, reading, math, science and social studies.
Nomination is also based on the following observed characteristics:
- Responsible
- Cooperative
- Leaders
- Trustworthy
- Helpful
- On time
- Kind to others when enforcing the rules
School Safety Patrol membership is an honored position. Patrol members shoulder responsibilities which help to strengthen their character. Membership also provides the opportunity to render service to fellow students and to develop a better understanding of pedestrian and vehicular traffic hazards.