Title 1 Information
Title I is a federally-funded program designed to improve the educational opportunities of all children and to help them succeed in the regular program. Tuloso Midway Intermediate is a School-Wide Title I school.
- A school may be designated as school-wide when at least 40 percent of the students are eligible for Free and/or Reduced Meals.
- Title I funds may be used to upgrade the entire school’s educational program so that the overall education of ALL children who attend the school can be improved.
- All children, including those with disabilities and children with limited English proficiency, are eligible to receive Title I services.
- In short, the purpose of Title I funding is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education.
The most recent law that affects Title I is the No-Child-Left-Behind Act. The law requires that schools have a written policy regarding parental involvement. Therefore, Tuloso-Midway Intermediate has developed a Parent/Teacher/Student Agreement so that we can be in compliance with the law. The intentions of the law are good. However, schools have long recognized that education is a partnership, and without the home, without your help, the process of educating your child is only partially complete. Parents, teachers, and students need to work together. There are many opportunities for school and home to work together. So, we need your help. We ask that you make a commitment to your child’s education by completing and signing your part of the agreement and giving it to your child’s teacher so that she or he can sign, and also for your child to sign. Parents may request and be provided information regarding the professional qualifications of their student’s classroom teacher(s). Thank you for supporting your child's school.